Christmas Appeal
The 2020 Christmas Appeal
In previous years, Action in Africa have held a Christmas Appeal and sent the funds raised to Nyaishozi. In 2020, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we were unable to hold our usual appeal. However we were fortunate to receive some generous personal donations, and utilised some reserve funds, such that we could send £700. This money was used as usual to buy emergency food and basic medical supplies.
The 2019 Christmas Appeal
The Christmas Appeal 2019 raised a whopping £870.31! These monies were used to buy emergency food and basic medical supplies, which were then handed out by trustees to the most needy and vulnerable in the community (pictured below). In addition to food supplies, this year, due to malaria causing huge suffering in Nyaishozi, we are sending funds for mosquito repellent impregnated nets. These will be distributed by Father Vitalis to the boarding students at the secondary schools.
The 2018 Christmas Appeal
We would like to thank the parishioners of St. Michael’s, who generously donated £706 to our Christmas Appeal. This money was sent to Nyaishozi to buy emergency food and basic medicines. These supplies have been distributed by the Nyaishozi Action in Africa trustees to the most needy and vulnerable in the community. Pictured below is chairman Father Vitalis, making deliveries.