Current Projects requiring funding
Days for Girls Feminine Hygiene Programme - Continual
As our feminine hygiene initiative is a continual programme, the search for external funding is ongoing. Our focus is to
- Continue rolling out the Days for Girls long lasting kits with washable liners to female students at local secondary schools.
- Send school matrons to the Days for Girls hub in Uganda for tuition on training their female students how to care for the kits. The Days for Girls Ugandan programme also includes a short Human Biology course which prepares the girls for puberty and adolescence.
- The provision of 25 menstrual cups to be trialled at the local dispensary under the strict supervision of midwife and female health practitioner Rebecca Didas.
Nyakasimbi Girls with their kits
Matron Regina training girls at Nyakasimbi Secondary School
Medical Supplies & Equipment for Nyaishozi Dispensaries – Continual
As supporting the local dispensaries is a continual programme, the search for external funding is ongoing.
Dispensaries in Nyaishozi are seriously underfunded and struggle to provide essential drugs. Medical equipment is basic at best. Subsequently, practitioners working in the local dispensaries have provided us with wish lists of requirements that fall outside government provision. We continue to seek funds to help deliver the tools these dedicated doctors and nurses need to do their jobs.
Solar Panelling Lighting for Schools - Continual
Classroom lit by solar power
The majority of the Nyaishozi secondary schools are remote and therefore off the electricity grid. Due to the remoteness of the locality, many students board, rather than walk the long journeys to and from school. Providing lighting for studies and life on the campus after dark is a challenge, with students resorting to using torches. Solar panelling provides enough power to light two school classrooms, so that students can continue their studies when night falls.
Providing Maize School Lunches - Continual
The first year of the programme was a success, although the maize harvest only produced enough yield to feed the children for 8 months. For the second year, we decided to fund the professional dressing and tilling of the land, as well as the purchase of superior seed.
We will continue to fund the project for the near future, hopeful that, in time, with superior seed and fertiliser, the harvest will increase to provide a yield that will feed the entire school (over 1000 children) for 12 months. In addition, surplus grain will be sold, allowing this initiative to become self-sustaining.
Where the local ladies prepare a maize gruel lunch for Nyaishozi Primary School pupils
Young student with her maize lunch